For House + Home Founder...
Jamie Brie is a house lover and a homebody. Because she believes in the value of both home and beauty for all of us, it has been one of her life’s missions to create beautiful spaces and captivating moments.
Jamie Brie knows that the functionality of a space is equally important, and it is her goal to design spaces that not only satisfy practical needs but also inspire and uplift those using them.
"Jamie came into my home, and like a warm cup of coffee helped me to settle down and think--about my home, about my life. She asked discerning questions that helped me to determine what I wanted and needed of my space. I was so encouraged and inspired."
"Jamie thoughtfully listened to my wants and needs, and then even helped me clear out boxes of clutter. Her recommendations were perfect for my budget! Her designer’s eye made my space look chic--she turned a cluttered room into my dream office. I love to sit and relax in it now because it is so beautiful."